Careers and Work Related Experience (CWRE)
Our curriculum enables students to gain experiences related to work and careers, developing knowledge of the breadth of opportunities available to them throughout their lives. This learning can help them make informed decisions about their career pathways. The four purposes and the integral skills that support them are central to preparing students for careers and work. These support students to be resilient, creative and ambitious, requiring them to solve problems, engage with different information and work independently. This will help prepare them to respond to the opportunities and challenges of a changing economic reality.
CWRE is embedded across the areas of learning and experience (Areas). It is supported by a wide range of relevant work-related learning experiences and environments.
CWRE enables students to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in preparation for the challenges and opportunities of further learning and the ever-evolving world of work. CWRE contributes towards students’ realisation of the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.
It inspires students to:
develop an understanding of the purpose of work in life, both for themselves and for society as a whole
become increasingly aware of the range of opportunities available to them, broadening their horizons
develop the attitudes and behaviours required to overcome barriers to employability, career management and lifelong learning
appreciate the increasing range of opportunities in the workplace where an ability to communicate in Welsh is important
explore opportunities through a variety of meaningful experiences in learning, work and entrepreneurship
develop resilience and the ability to be adaptable in response to the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and life
There are a number of skills that are integral to the four purposes:
Creativity and innovation
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Personal effectiveness
Planning and organising
Digital Competence
CWRE is being developed across the curriculum for students to explore and understand the world of work in developmentally appropriate contexts. CWRE provides real-world learning and experiences that support students in developing their skills and applying their knowledge and understanding within all the Areas.
For further information,click here