Year 9 IExplore Curriculum
Religion, Values and Ethics
This term learners will be introduced to the GCSE Religious Studies and Equality and Diversity qualifications. Topic 1 focuses on the importance of studying religion and other world beliefs. Learners will be introduced to key vocabulary, discuss issues relating to human rights and the beliefs and practices of particular religions.
This term learners will begin with an introduction - Why does History matter? What does it teach us. learners will then begin a study a series of significant events : In the first term the focus is on 'The Diary of Anne Frank', and the Holocaust. A series of 'Days that shook the world' will follow. All learners will be using chromebooks and exercise books to complete tasks, including assessments, GCSE examination technique and independent learning.
This term starts with an introduction to Geography and the development of some key geographical skills, such as place and location.This will be followed by the study of tectonic plate movements and their consequences. This will include the causes and consequences of volcanoes and earthquakes. All learners will be using chromebooks and exercise books to complete tasks, including assessments, and independent learning.
Religion, Values and Ethics
This term students will continue to develop their knowledge of human rights and religious beliefs. In religious studies they will be exploring the life of Jesus and discussing the extent to which the Bible provides evidence of Jesus being God incarnate. In equality and diversity lessons, students will be reflecting on progress made in the Autumn term and developing their knowledge of human rights and discrimination even further.
This term students will continue with a study of ' series of significant events: 'Days that shook the world'. Students are currently looking at 9/11 order to assess whether the impact of the terrorist attacks and whether it was a day that shook the world. Later this term students will move onto study the Impact of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and the assassination of JFK .Pupils can complete lessons on the uploaded presentations/slideshows on ‘Google classroom’ or use their exercise books to complete particular tasks and are, therefore, taught using a variety of blended learning methods.
This term students will continue with their study of physical geography/tectonic plate movements. Students will complete their work on volcanoes and move on to earthquakes and tsunamis. Other lessons will include independent study; including designing an earthquake proof house. Pupils can complete lessons on the uploaded presentations/slideshows on ‘Google classroom’ or use their exercise books to complete particular tasks and are, therefore, taught using a variety of blended learning methods.
Religion, Values and Ethics
This term students will continue to extend their knowledge of human rights and religious beliefs. In religious studies they will be finding out about the beliefs and work of Christians in the world today. In equality and diversity lessons, students will be examining how our beliefs can affect our actions and raising awareness of discrimination in the world today.